
Tim Robinson, CEcD, EDFP
Director of Operations, Lenawee Now



With the baby boomer generation preparing for retirement, there is a looming talent gap that will leave a void in the workplace. To answer this issue, the LISD TECH Center started the Reverse Job Fair to begin building and connecting a talent pipeline throughout Lenawee County. To have an event as unique and innovative as the Reverse Job Fair happen right here in Lenawee, helps to set us apart in our efforts to develop the future workforce. As we continue our efforts to attract new business and retain current business, being able to tell those employers about this event and pipeline is a big advantage.


On April 28th, the LISD TECH Center will host the 3rd Annual Reverse Job Fair. The goal is to produce fresh, innovative candidates to fill open positions, and jump-start graduates’ future careers. Lenawee Now encourages local businesses to come and support the event. Whether you are looking to hire immediately or in the future, attending the Reverse Job Fair will give you a good look at the qualified students developed through LISD TECH Center programs.


This year, 150 students will be representing eight programs, which include: Automotive Services Technology; Building Trades/Construction Careers; Computer Information Services; Engineering, Design & CAD; Engineering, Robotics & Emerging Technologies; Machining & Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM); Residential Construction; and Welding Technology.


In the reverse job fair, the roles of the potential employee and employer are changed. Each student will set up a display that will include their resume, portfolio, and work samples along with a record of their academic statistics. The attending employers will have the opportunity to circulate and meet students and conduct brief interviews while reviewing the students’ work samples.


The LISD TECH Center is located at 1372 N. Main Street in Adrian, MI. Those who register have the opportunity to get a preliminary look at the future of their job market, right here in Lenawee County. Registration is available online now at http://bit.ly/20Vb4er.


*Written by Vincent Jelsomeno