Randy Yagiela
Director of Align Lenawee, Development Director


Lenawee Now sustains and grows our local economy by utilizing a basic learning communities’ concept: We provide the space and structure for people to align around shared goals. By doing so we enable participants to share results and learn from each other, thereby improving their ability to achieve rapid yet significant progress.

Part of sustaining and growing our economy is to learn as a community on how to help our employers build and retain a skilled workforce. This objective is a shared responsibility of Lenawee Now, local employers, schools, Center for Science and Industry, the LISD Tech Center, our colleges and universities and our parents and guardians. A first step is to acknowledge that we need to learn more about job pathways for our students and displaced workforce. These two populations are critical to maintaining and growing our employer base.

A career pathway that more employers are developing is an apprenticeship program. Currently, apprenticeships include 1,500 U.S. Department of Labor recognized credentials and now includes non-manufacturing positions in accounting, winemaking, software engineering, direct support professional/specialist, and more.


The Characteristics of an Apprenticeship Program

Although there is more than one way to design and define an apprenticeship program, a registered apprenticeship program, according to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), must have key components in place. These components include business involvement, structured on-the-job training, related instruction, rewards for skill gains, and national occupational credentialing. Specifically, business involvement is essential at every level of the program, including program design.

Businesses help designate and establish the competencies necessary for apprentices to acquire and demonstrate skill attainment. They also provide venues in which apprentices procure initial employment, and businesses connect apprentices to the workplace mentors that will train and support them.


Apprenticeship Opportunities in Lenawee County

What is the role of the community in increasing parents’ and students’ understanding of this career pathway option? Here is one of many examples: The LISD TECH Center has for the last 5 years partnered with the Jackson Area Manufacturers Association to bring the apprenticeship training to the county.

Apprentices in Lenawee County now have access to DOL approved training for 14 different high skill/high wage manufacturing apprentice tracks. Classes are held in 5 eight-week sessions a year.  As demand grows in Lenawee County the number and variety of these classes offered will continue to expand.

The LISD TECH Center has also partnered with the South East Construction Academy (SEMCA) to provide DOL registered electrical apprenticeship training to Lenawee County. SEMCA also offers Heating, Ventilation, and Cooling training at the LISD TECH Center.


Learning About Career Pathways Throughout School

So how does a learning community help the Tech Center and our other districts who focus on career technical education courses for their students? Long before students apply for apprenticeships, the role of community partners is essential for developing students’ natural interests and abilities in the world of work. Beginning with field trips, career day, and guest speakers in elementary school, the importance of establishing a community partner network is well-documented in school counseling.

Lenawee Now is building that network. In addition to supporting Manufacturing Day, Payback for Education, and Ag Career Day we are working to create continuous classroom presentations by employers who can share more about skills needed, the culture in their companies, and pathways to employment.


Apprenticeships Benefit Employees and Employers

Apprenticeships will be highlighted as one pathway to obtain high skilled, high wage jobs. Lenawee Now is also attempting to establish ongoing employer facilitated discussions for our students and their parents to learn about local employment, wages, benefits, and educational requirements. These pilot programs will help us promote apprenticeships and other career prep tracks for many of our students.

Employees who take advantage of apprenticeships earn wages while they are training and receive higher wages as their skills increase, receive national credentials that can move with them through their career, and gain improved skills and competencies that help them advance their career.

Employers can benefit from apprenticeship programs by reducing their recruiting investments, reducing turnover costs, and higher productivity while developing a more diverse and highly skilled workforce.

At Lenawee Now, providing opportunities to help career seekers and area employers learn about and take advantage of innovative workforce training models will continue to be critical to our mission of driving economic opportunity.