Our last Task Force meeting was on December 6th, 2022. The meetings are an opportunity for community stakeholders to provide input and gain more information about the Align Workforce Development Center.

There are three targets of training and development the Center is focused on:

  1. Employer Training: The Align Center is focused on providing skill training for regional employers. Training and development is a key to retaining and growing an organization’s workforce. Like any pro sports team, talent levels make the difference between profit and loss, or even sustaining the organization.
  2. Adults in Lenawee County who are seeking to re-enter the workforce or upgrade their skills. All of us want to seek a friendly, inviting, and professional staff who helps us assess our current skills and can recommend a path forward. The Center will work with our partners to assist adults as they seek to build skills through certifications or college degrees. The county needs such a building and a staff that is enabling and connects adults to training through online or traditionally held courses. Certifications are being sought by employers as proof that a person had been trained or educated to a desired level. Too many adults that could work in the county are not working. We believe they are seeking a Center to work with, while they are being supported and made aware of great jobs in the county.
  3. K-12 graduates who do not have a path ahead of them to obtain a great job. Many of our students, and statistically nationwide, do not go and graduate from college in four years. About 3.9 students out of 10 do so, while the others take longer or do not graduate. Other graduating k-12 students do not have connections with a place like the Center, where we are going to work with employers to find talented individuals for their companies or organizations. The Center will be able to match young people’s skills and aptitudes or help young people grow their skills in technical and nontechnical specialties.

We are continuing to seek community input and partners. If you would like to join the Task Force please connect with Chuck Chase, one of our navigators at Chuck@lenaweenow.org. He will work with you to further orient you to the Task Force and our plans.