Lenawee Now Foundation is seeking Qualifications and proposals for a consultant to complete a county-wide assessment and develop an inventory of brownfield sites, prioritize those sites for environmental assessment, conduct appropriate environmental assessments, and conduct remedial planning needed to prepare the sites for redevelopment. Proposals and qualifications will be received in a sealed envelope, clearly marked “Lenawee Now Foundation Brownfield Assessment Project” on the outermost envelope/package to Lenawee Now Foundation, 5285 W. US HWY 223, Suite A, Adrian, MI 49221, until 10:00 a.m., Adrian time, on Friday, January 31, 2025.

The Outside of the envelope not being properly marked may result in the qualifications and proposal not being received by Lenawee Now Foundation before the deadline and could result in the proposal being disqualified. Qualifications and proposals will then be opened and read.

Lenawee Now Foundation Brownfield Assessment Project

This work shall be performed in accordance with plans and specifications provided in the request for qualifications and proposals available through the Lenawee Now Foundation, 5285 W. US HWY 223, Suite A, Adrian, MI 49221. Phone 517-265-5141, and copies thereof may be obtained at no charge.


Email TIm Robinson at Tim@LenaweeNow.org

Download full request for proposal

Frequently Asked Questions

1:   What is the performance period for the grant?

The performance period is 10/01/2024 to 9/30/2028

2: Can you provide a copy of the work plan and the original application for the grant?

EPA guidelines state that a copy of the work plan should not be included in RFQ materials.  Therefore we are not providing a copy of the cooperative agreement either.

3: Do you have a figure or map depicting the Highway 233 Corridor that you would be able to provide?

No.  The 13 mile target area mentioned in the RFQ, references US 223 between the City of Adrian and the Village of Blissfield.

4: Under “Proposal Format Guidelines” one (1) digital copy (PDF format) is requested, should this be provided on a CD along with the three (3) hard copies? Or is there another preferred format?

Including the PDF copy on a CD or thumb drive is fine.

5: In addition, to the standard ASTM E1527-21, will Lenawee Now Foundation (LNF), require any of the following additional items?

5a. Executive Summary, in the Phase I ESA, or would LNF prefer the Executive Summary and Conclusion be included in separate letter and/or email?

5b. Will LNF need the Phase I ESA to include Tier 1 Vapor Encroachment Analysis in accordance with ASTM E2600-15?

5c. Will the LNF require asbestos and lead based paint inspections in the Phase I ESAs?

5d. Will the LNF require a Desktop review of lead in Drinking Water information in the Phase I ESAs?

5e. Will the LNF require a Desktop review of available Radon information in the Phase I ESAs?

5f. Will the LNF require a Desktop review of Flood Plain information in the Phase 1 ESAs?

5g. Will the LNF require a Desktop review of Wetland information in the Phase I ESAs?

5h. What is the average size of the parcels of the Phase I ESA.

5i. Do the Phase I ESA parcel have buildings located on them? If so, what are the average size of the buildings. Are any of the buildings occupied?

6a. What is the size of the buildings that require the hazardous material surveys?

6b. Are these buildings occupied?

Answer for Questions 5-6: The sites have not been selected.  Part of TASK 2 is the creation of a Brownfield property inventory and prioritization of those sites for environmental assessment.  In concert with the QEC we will determine the assessment needs of each property individually. 

7: The awarded EPA Grant had a dollar value of $500,000.  However, the dollar amounts of Tasks 1 through Four only total $470,000.  Is the remaining $30,000 contingency funds?

The remaining $30,000 is for LNF operational costs. 

8: Did the EPA grant award mention the need for site-specific Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAPs) and HASPs to be completed and reviewed by the EPA prior to each Phase II ESA? We’ve typically had to complete those and I want to make sure to include a narrative and costs for those if required.

Depending on the sites that LNF chooses, SAPs and HASPs may be part of the scope of work. It is a common part of assessment work.

9: We’ve worked in conjunction with developers who do perform their due diligence through EPA community assessment grant funding. Some of these projects end up requiring BEAs. If this scenario arises, will LNF allow for grant funding dollars to be put towards the completion of a BEA? If so, we will include a cost estimate for reference.

Again, depending on the sites that LNF chooses and their specific findings, a BEA may be needed, but it is an allowable cost if LNF chooses to go that route.

10. Would LNF prefer the wet signature copy of the affidavit submitted with the response or are copies okay?

Either is fine.