Lenawee Now Foundation is seeking Qualifications and proposals for a consultant to complete a county-wide assessment and develop an inventory of brownfield sites, prioritize those sites for environmental assessment, conduct appropriate environmental assessments, and...
Legal Notice Lenawee Now Foundation is seeking Qualifications and proposals for a consultant to complete a county-wide assessment and develop an inventory of brownfield sites, prioritize those sites for environmental assessment, conduct appropriate environmental...
Lenawee Now and the Align Center for Workforce Development will be hosting their fourth Economic Club Luncheon. This event will take place on Tuesday, November 19th, from 11:30 AM – 1 PM at the Centre in Adrian. The Luncheon provides networking opportunities and will...
The Align Center for Workforce Development has signed a contract to outfit a satellite facility on US-12 in northern Lenawee County. This building will be used to bring the Lenawee, Jackson, and Hillsdale Counties together to fill relevant gaps in in-demand...
September 19, Adrian, MI ─ The Align Center for Workforce Development Celebrated its fourth annual Teacher/Counselor Externship program with an awards banquet at the Lenawee Now office. The externship program had nine teachers and counselors participating from Hudson,...
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