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Amy Bergman
President, Insight HRM

Website: InsightHRM.com
Email: Info@InsightHRM.com
Phone: 517.917.5730

The next 3 HR tips for operating your business During COVID-19 relate to Regulation Compliance, Business Operations Considerations, and Managing Talent.

Businesses have numerous employment regulations to follow and now during the COVID-19 Pandemic there are a few new and existing regulations that impact business operations including FFCRA, CARES Act, protections enforced by the EEOC, HIPAA, Posting Requirements and the FLSA. Now is a good time to revisit with your team your Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policies – or create and train on them if they are not currently in place. Considerations for business operations include looking at opportunities to diversify offering new or different products/services, develop enhanced marketing strategies, and focus on employee development.

In addition, businesses are encouraged to get creative with their service delivery, staffing, and finding new ways to conduct internal business operations for things like conducting meetings virtually, increased communications to employees, and considering remote work options.  Managing talent starts with creative flexibility, finding ways to flex to the needs of the workforce, keeping employees connected and engaged, and exploring new ways to fill talent gaps through job sharing and/or contract help.

For assistance in developing your HR strategy or in managing your HR compliance, Insight HRM is available to assist.

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