The Lenawee County Education Foundation (LCEF) announces a new scholarship available to Lenawee County residents seeking to obtain training for a job or bettering their current job or obtaining a General Education Degree (GED). The scholarship, titled the Job Readiness Training Scholarship, will cover up to half the cost of the course work, not to exceed $500. The total amount of the awarded scholarship will be split between fall/winter and spring/summer semester course work. Scholarship applicants must be a high school graduate or completing their GED and must be a resident of Lenawee County.
This scholarship must be used toward the completion of post-secondary training or a GED. This training must take place at an accredited or certified trades or vocational education program. The scholarship is an annual reward and may be reapplied for each year.
Scholarship recipients must make every effort to attend the LCEF Annual Scholarship Reception on May 2nd, 2014, where all recipients will be publicly recognized. Deadline for applying for the Job Readiness Training Scholarship is 3:00 pm on March 1st, 2014. For more information go to: