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It’s an exciting day here at the Lenawee Now office! Our Director of Operations, Tim Robinson has been awarded the Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) Volunteer of the Year at this afternoon’s 32nd Annual LISD Staff Recognition Reception.


Tim volunteers on a weekly basis, serving on numerous advisory committees to offer advice and guidance to instructors from an economic stand. Tim also helps explain trends in the industry to best equip the LISD in preparing their students for a successful future. “Tim is a very dedicated, hardworking individual, and a big supporter of LISD as well as the LISD TECH Center,” said Jack Townsley, Placement Services and Adult Learning Supervisor. “He is a pleasure to work with.”


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The 32nd Annual Lenawee Intermediate School District Staff Recognition Reception

Each year, this award is given to a non LISD staff member who has provided significant service to LISD programs. Tim’s involvement in planning educational programs such as the Reverse Job Fair, Maker Space, and Align make him a perfect candidate for this recognition. Tim is honored to receive the 2015-2016 LISD Volunteer of the Year Award and is “pleased to take part in this program, the LISD is hardworking, passionate, and making a great impact in Lenawee County.”


Congratulations to Tim Robinson, as well as the other LISD Staff Recognition recipients, your work in helping students succeed is appreciated, and we are proud to have you on our team!