Each year 30-50 employers and 80-100 students participate in the LISD TECH Center reverse job fair (RJF). This job fair is not the average job-seeking occasion. Typically, when you go to a job fair you see employers put on display.  But, at the reverse job fair the students are the one’s showcasing their talents. The event begins with a tour of the LISD Center, and ends, in a room full of students at tables ready to speak with employers. Each table is color coordinated, according to the particular program that the student is participating. This event helps identify the specific skills and trade sets that employers are looking for.

The results of students that participate in the reverse job fair, are to follow up with employers for direct hire . By having student showcase their unique skills to employers, it helps exercise soft skills training and prepares the students for future employment. The Tech Center office staff/ instructors prepare the students for the reverse job fair, by having them participate in an interview prep called RJF boot-camp. The RJF boot-camp consist of students practicing the following:

  • Interview skills
  • Review resumes
  • Discuss professional dress attire
  • Prepares elevator pitch

Whether the student is looking for long-term employment, or just a summer position, the reverse job fair is an excellent way to enhance interview skills.