Did you know 75% of Lenawee County is farm land? Agriculture is a key element in the success of any economy. March is dedicated to appreciating those who ensure this industry thrives nationally.


Why celebrate agriculture? Agriculture plays large role in our lives on a daily basis. Everything we eat, use, and wear is a result of agriculture. According to the Agriculture Council of America, “Each American farmer feeds more than 165 people … a dramatic increase from 25 people in the 1960s.” As the population rises, so do the efforts of American farmers and producers.


On October 11, 2018, Lenawee County will host its first ever Agriculture Day for an estimated 400 seventh grade students. This is a formative age for students, and showcasing the innovation and how the importance of agriculture could impact their future career choices. They are your future employees, partners, and advocates. Students will spend a full day participating in educational activities and interacting with industry professionals. Each student will leave that day with a greater appreciation of the role that agriculture plays in their lives, along with plenty of things to talk about at dinner that night.

If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities so that more local students can be involved in Lenawee County’s first Agriculture Day, please contact Jim Van Doren at jevd@lenaweenow.org or (517) 265-5141.


There are several agriculture summits taking place this month. Registration for the MiFOOD 2018 Food Processing & Agribusiness Summit will be open through April 13th (Early registration ends March 30th). See the information below for more details.

The MiFOOD 2018 summit tackles some of today’s most challenging issues in the agriculture and food processing industries. Learn from business leaders and industry experts on how you can drive new, innovative strategies for growth, safety, sustainability, and increased efficiency in your own company. Michigan’s food processing and ag industries are two of the fastest growing sectors of Michigan’s economy. The goal of the 2018 summit is to ensure that trend continues and that Michigan’s growers and processors have access to the resources, education, and support they need to succeed. Visit www.regonline.com to register!