
Hudson is one of five Michigan Locations to host The Way We Worked


“The Way We Worked,” a traveling exhibition from the Smithsonian, will be at the Thompson House Museum, 101 Summit St, Hudson, from February 7-March 29, 2015. Admission to the exhibit is free.

“The Way We Worked,” adapted from an original exhibition developed by the National Archives and Records Administration, explores how work has become a central element in American culture. It traces the many changes that have affected the workforce and work environments over the past 150 years, including the growth of manufacturing and increasing use of technology. The exhibition draws from the Archives’ rich collections, including historical photographs, archival accounts of workers, film, audio and interactives, to tell the compelling story of how work impacts our individual lives and the historical and cultural fabric of our communities.

“The Hudson area has an amazing story to tell when it comes to the story of work,” said Ray Lennard, Curator of the Thompson House Museum. “For many years it was an economic engine for the area. That story continues today with the establishment of the Southern Michigan Center for Science and Industry and the local industry from Rima, Hi-Lex, Alpine and more. The exhibits will show the residents of the area the rich history of our economy and what a bright future Hudson has.”

There will be an Opening Gala, Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 1-6 PM and a lecture at the Hudson Library at 4PM. Additional events and educational opportunities will be held during the exhibition.

This project is funded in part by Michigan Humanities Council, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Way We Worked is part of Museum on Main Street, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and state humanities councils nationwide. Support for Museum on Main Street has been provided by the United States Congress.
Local sponsors of the exhibit at the Thompson House Museum include the Lenawee County Conference and Visitors Bureau, LenaweeNow, Hudson Schools’ Center for Science and Technology, City of Hudson, Hudson Chamber and Jackson Area Manufacturers Association.

For more information, visit and the museum’s Facebook page: for event updates.